2 min readFeb 19, 2020
Why should I attend the meetup? Its not useful for me.
Remember in college days we used to be very lazy to attend the classes but we attended them due to fear of short attendance or marks etc.
And then by attending those classes we got knowledge(~1% :P), friends, topics to make new friends and girl friends etc.
Similarly meetups are the classes in professional life.
Knowledge sharing >< Knowledge gaining
Benefits of attending meetups:
- We get a chance to meet industry experts from our field. This way we made good connections which helps us in career growth if not immediately but definitely in future.
- For sure, we learn and hear good things from the people and at least 1–10% of that knowledge remains with us which helps us in future.
- Meet-ups and conferences are one of the best mediums to meet industry experts and learn from them.
- We should not attend the meetup just to gain the knowledge from others but we should attend the meetups to share our knowledge and experience with others and help them to grow.
- It also helps a lot to get a good job. Many companies just host the meetups or attend the meet-ups to find good talent because they know an enthusiastic and keen learner only woke on weekends and come to attend the meetup to learn something new.
- Good platform for them as well who are looking for good talent. There are an equal number of people who are looking for the talent at same time but they are also struggling and not finding the right talent.
- Basically meetups help a lot in our career growth in a long way.
- List of benefits is too long to mention here!!
- You can add more in comment.
- We had to wake up early Saturday morning and had to go to the venue to attend the meetup. :P