Website to practice all complex automation scenarios like shadow DOM, iframe etc

Sanjay Kumar
2 min readJan 11, 2022


It has been always very challenging to search for a website which has the shadow dom, closed shadow dom, iframe, multiple iframes etc and due to this we couldn’t practice such use cases.

But not anymore now we have a free website where we can find all such complex and rare scenarios to practice and learn.

Website link-

Website to practice complex automation scenarios like shadow DOM, iframe, svg etc.

The best part of this website that it will be keep getting updated and more scenarios will be included in it.

Scenarios covered in this website

  • Shadow DOM (Shadow-root)
  • SVG element inside shadow DOM.
  • Nested Shadow DOM.
  • Closed Shadow DOM.
  • Closed shadow dom inside Open shadow dom.
  • iframe inside shadow DOM.
  • Shadow DOM inside iframe.
  • Nested Shadow DOM inside iframe.
  • Closed shadow DOM inside iframe.
  • Closed shadow dom inside open shadow dom and open shadow dom inside iframe.
  • Canvas element.
  • Single iframe.
  • Nested iframes.
  • Cross Origin iframe
  • Spin Loader which disappear in 3 sec.
  • Email field with HTML form validation message tooltip.
  • Comment in DOM.
  • SVG element.
  • Disabled Input box which get enabled by clicking on an element.
  • Dropdown whose element can be inspected but disappear from UI on inspect.
  • WebElement to explain the text, dot and normalize-space() function of xpath.
  • HTML Table
  • Link without text.
  • Link with junk space text.
  • Non Interactable Elements
  • Pseudo Elements.
  • Not function of XPath.
  • Axes Based XPath.
  • cssSelector and all other selectors.



Sanjay Kumar

Founder and Creator of SelectorsHub, TestCase Studio, TestCaseHub & ChroPath | Speaker | Blogger | Automation Passionate