How to get SelectorsHub Certificate?
Mar 24, 2021
- SelectorsHub Certification Program is a FREE certification program created by me (Sanjay Kumar, Founder & Creator of SelectorsHub).
- This program has 27 simple yet tricky objective type questions on strong fundamental concepts of XPath, locators and SelectorsHub.
- The main purpose of SelectorsHub Certification is to help you to learn new & basic concepts of XPath, locators and SelectorsHub.
- This certification is to spread the awareness on the misconceptions and wrong methods which we all followed while writing XPath & selectors due to lack of innovations.
- This certification will help you to brush up your knowledge on fundamental concepts.
- On scoring minimum 75% (21/27), you will get the SelectorsHub Certificate.
- Take this brain storming exam and learn the new things about XPath, selectors and SelectorsHub.
- SelectorsHub Certification Link